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About CBT

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, also known as CBT, is an evidence-based therapy modality (which is a fancy way of saying that research shows this approach works).  CBT emphasizes the interplay between thoughts, feelings, and behaviors and how being able to recognize and change the way we think can have a positive impact on our feelings as well as how we handle our emotions and situations.  It is an approach that works well to treat symptoms of anxiety and depression, as well as a host of other mental health disorders.  I lean heavily on CBT principles in conjunction with more holistic practices to help people change their thinking as well as develop healthier and more effective coping skills.

About EMDR

Eye Movement Desentiziation and Reprocessing (EMDR) is an evidence-based therapeutic modality most often used to treat and resolve trauma symptoms. (Evidence-based means the intervention has been extensively studied and has been shown to produce positive outcomes for clients). Historically, trauma was treated primarily with talk therapy and often required clients to share in detail about their traumatic experiences in order to process the trauma. However, what we know now is that trauma needs to be treated both cognitively and somatically (treat the mind as well as the body). Bessel van der Kolk coined the phrase “the body keeps the score” meaning trauma is stored in our body, which is why we sometimes have extreme visceral reactions to what seem to be innocuous stimuli or experiences that we cannot connect cognitively to any specific cause. Our body is remembering something that our mind either cannot or has worked hard to suppress.


People often wonder if EMDR can be an appropriate intervention for them if they have not experienced a specific trauma such as an assault or car accident. The answer almost always is yes. Traumatic experiences, whether they be a one-time traumatic event or a series of emotional or interpersonal traumas, are tied to negative beliefs we hold about ourselves. EMDR seeks to challenge and replace these beliefs along with reducing the physical/emotional distress that accompanies them. We all have at least a few of these negative beliefs and therefore EMDR can be attempted in most situations and with most people.


EMDR is a protocol based intervention, which means it follows a specific set of steps, known as phases. There are eight phases in total. When most people refer to EMDR they are typically referencing the reprocessing phase; however, it’s important to note EMDR is comprised of many other phases including information gathering/assessment and building distress tolerance skills and resources. ***Anyone coming into EMDR sessions with me should know we will typically spend several sessions working on building distress tolerance skills to best equip you to manage whatever distress may come up through reprocessing.***


EMDR is not an easy intervention and can be very uncomfortable; however, the payoff of reducing trauma symptoms and responses can be significant. Although it is a protocol based intervention, it is specifically tailored to each client’s individual needs, strengths, and goals.


For more information on EMDR please see the resources page or reach out with specific questions about how EMDR might be helpful for you.

About Perinatal Mental Health

The perinatal period encompasses pregnancy through the first year postpartum. Common therapeutic concerns within this period include but are not limited to:


Difficulty Conceiving/Infertility

Complications During Pregnancy (Physical and Emotional)

Traumatic Birth

NICU Stays and Caring for Medically Complicated Infants

Grief and Loss

Postpartum Depression and Anxiety

Breastfeeding Challenges

Creating and Maintaining a Healthy Work/Home Balance

Challenges of Being a Stay at Home Parent


This is a time of profound transition and adjustment with many unexpected challenges. I help expecting mothers and parents address these concerns and mitigate or heal from complications during this time.

Anxiety and Depression

Most people experience periods of sadness or worry in their lives; however, if you are experiencing prolonged periods of sadness or hoplessness, or you find that anxiety is overwhelming you on a regular basis, you may have a more significant problem that needs therapeutic intervention.


Treatment focuses for anxiety and depression heavily focus on solution and goal-oriented approaches with a specific emphasis on changing distorted thoughts and developing more effective coping mechanisms.

Women's Mental Health

Women face a myriad of challenges (including but not limited to) becoming a new mother, raising multiple children, struggling with marriage or intimate partnership, and balancing work and family life. Sometimes the people who provide the most support for others end up feeling like they have the least support.


Counseling for Postpartum Depression, Trauma and Sexual Assault, Mood Disorders, Anxiety, Stress Management, and Relationship Discord


Treatment interventions include but are not limited to:


Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Holistic approaches


** Advanced Training in Perinatal Mental Health

** Listed with Postpartum Support Virginia as approved provider

** Membership in the DC Metro Perinatal Mental Health Collaborative

** PMH-C (Perinatal Mental Health Certification) 

** EMDRIA Certified EMDR Therapist


There are many times when trauma goes undiagnosed and presents itself through anxiety, depression, substance abuse, risky behaviors, and relationship strife.  Anyone can be affected, and everyone's experience is different.  It is my goal to help individuals, couples, and families better understand trauma, its symptoms, and how it affects everyday life, while also providing treatment that focuses on management and resolution of trauma symptoms.


I have extensive training in EMDR and am a certified therapist through EMDRIA.

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