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Solution-Focused Parenting

Helping Individuals and Couples Navigate the Transition to Parenthood

The transition to parenthood is a profound and life-altering journey filled with a multitude of emotions and changes. From the moment a couple discovers they are expecting, they embark on a rollercoaster of excitement, anticipation, and nervousness. As the pregnancy progresses, the reality of becoming parents begins to sink in, and with it comes a mixture of joy, anxiety, and a deep sense of responsibility. The birth of their child marks a transformative moment, as they witness the miracle of new life and embrace the role of caregiver and protector. Amidst the overwhelming love and affection for their little one, there may also be moments of exhaustion and doubt. The transition requires adapting to a new routine, sleepless nights, and the challenges of balancing personal life with parenthood. Yet, the experience also opens doors to immense personal growth, as parents learn to make sacrifices, develop unparalleled bonds with their child, and find strength they never knew they possessed. The journey into parenthood is an ongoing process of learning and adaptation, shaped by unconditional love and the determination to provide the best possible future for their precious bundle of joy.

Who Will Solution-Focused Parenting Benefit?

  • Individuals and couples considering children or at any point in their fertility journey

  • Individuals and couples who are pregnant and want to prepare for the changes coming after baby

  • Individuals and couples who are in the postpartum period and experiencing challenges with the transition 

  • Individuals and couples at any point in their parenting experience regardless of the age of their child or children



Solution-Focused Parenting is NOT couples or marriage counseling.  It is a skill building, coaching program to help couples anticipate and overcome challenges specific to the transition to parenthood and beyond.  Couples seeking in-depth counseling will be referred to other licensed, experienced practitioners to assist with any other significant relationship challenges.

The Framework

Most individuals and couples have some concept of the changes they might anticipate when becoming parents, and there is certainly no exhaustive list of the challenges and situations you might encounter.  However, there are some situations and challenges that appear universal  and plenty of work that can be done ahead of time to build skills, mitigate potential problems, and grow in our relationships.


I utilize a framework developed by John and Julie Gottman, Bringing Baby Home, concepts from Fair Play by Eve Rodsky, and my own perinatal clinical and personal experience to help couples identify and strengthen positive aspects of their relationship while exploring areas in need of greater support as they move toward or through parenthood.

Investment and Registration

The work you put into your parenting and relationships will pay off in a lifetime of happiness dividends, both for you as a couple/parent, and for your children.  This process will be most effective when you commit to at least 12 sessions of coaching, though additional coaching sessions are available to you.  Coaching will be provided via a virtual face-to-face platform or in-person depending on your preference, and sessions will last 60 minutes; however, it is possible to extend sessions for up to two hours (as available) if you'd like to expedite the process.


You can expect to invest $230 per one hour session.


**It is important to note insurance will not reimburse for this service.**

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